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Program Tv Protv 1 Decembrie 2011 on this page. What makes people great painters, great actors, or great poets? It's definitely not an easy question, but no, I'm not trying to confuse you and say that they all use text emoticons. Nba 2k12 Patch 1.04 Pc.
(─‿‿─) Even as for great writers, most only use plain text. If a poet is making a book where he wants to display some body language visually, he usually would hire a painter to paint some scenes and do an even better job than emoticons would. But think about an occasion when you're texting a message to someone. Or writing a 'status' update. Hiring a visual artist is definitely not the practical thing to do mundanely.
Only read this after you have figured out the answer for yourself. Maybe, it's different from mine and I don't want to impose my view of things upon you. But the concept I see there is making others genuinely feel as you will them to. And making people emotionally understand others in new ways is an art. It shouldn't come at you as a trivial task.
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