Inpage Xp 2004

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(Note: This post has been created on behalf of another user.) Recently my PC had been having blue screen errors. Thinking it was likely an aging HD problem the HD was replaced and a new istallation of Win XP Home Edition with SP2. The blue screens still persist despite the new drive.

Inpage Xp 2004 V 3.0

The error is a 'Kernel Stack Inpage Error'. This is a new drive with the same errors as before so I suspect that it is not a virus and likely an issue with another piece of hardware. There is a minidump file available if need be. Can someone please assist with these errors?

Inpage Xp 2004

Also, here is some general info on troubleshooting the KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR error: The first line of troubleshooting is to install the latest Service Pack. That avoids problems such as one, which may not apply in your situation but gives a good example of why keeping current with service packs helps avoid problems.

I realize you have had issues with SP3 but consider trying it again. Also, did you replace the drive cable as asked by Joselbarra? Also, Roxio drivers are appearing 'unloaded' in all the minidump files which may indicate a problem with that software so try uninstalling all Roxio software and see if it helps. Also, it is generally recommended to run only one real-time antivirus application to avoid conflicts so consider going with either MSE or Norton. Bis Export Compliance Program there.

MSE may be preferable as it installs a minimum number of drivers. Also, if problems persist consider updating the BIOS as you appear to be at an older revision, 1008, while the latest non-beta is 1017.

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