Elements Physical Chemistry Pdf
Free download Elements of Physical Chemistry (5th edition) written by Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula in pdf. Published by Great Britain in 2009. According to the authors; When a book enters its fifth edition you might expect a certain maturity and a settling down into a comfortable middle if not old age.
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We hope you will identify the former but not the latter. We learn enormously from each new edition and like to refresh the exposition and introduce new ideas at every opportunity. We hope that you will see maturity certainly but also a new vibrancy in this edition. The structure of the book remains much the same as in the fourth edition, but with a small reorganization of chapters, such as the reversal of the order of the groups of chapters on Materials. We have also brought together under various umbrella titles the related chapters to give a greater sense of cohesion.
Thus there is a Chemical Equilibrium family, a Chemical Kinetics family, a Quantum Chemistry family, a Materials family, and a Spectroscopy family. Throughout the text we have had in mind one principal objective: to ensure that the coverage is appropriate to a single compact physical chemistry course.
As a result, we have eliminated some material but (with our eyes alert to the dangers of expanding the text unduly) have strengthened the discussion of a wide range of topics.
Freeman: New York, 1996. ISBN 0 7167 3077 4. The second edition of the text The Elements of Physical Chemistry by Atkins is clearly written and should be readily understandable to undergraduates. In general, the presentation of topics is traditional, beginning with the behavior of gases, moving next to classical thermodynamics and related topics, and then covering quantum phenomena. Aspects of most major topics generally presented in undergraduate physical chemistry courses are included in the text. The author purposely minimizes the use of mathematics, especially calculus. Such minimization of mathematics disallows many questions about physical chemistry from being adequately addressed, and students will be limited to using physical chemistry as a mere tool and likely will lack good understanding of the underlying principles.
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