Brunner And Suddarth 12th Edition Pdf
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Free download Brunner and Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical– surgical Nursing with these download links to Brunner and Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical– surgical Nursing 12 th edition. Now in its 12th edition, Brunner and Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing is designed to assist nurses in preparing for their roles and responsibilities in the medical-surgical setting. This leading textbook focuses on physiological, pathophysiological, and psychosocial concepts as they relate to nursing care. Brunner is known for its strong Nursing Process focus and its readability.
This edition retains these strengths and incorporates enhanced visual appeal and better portability for students. • Edition: Twelfth • Product Format: Hardbound • ISBN: 907 • Trim Size: 8.375 x 10.875 • Pages: 2496 • Pub Date: Jul 12, 2010 • Weight: 12.35 Features: – NEW! Enhanced A+ ancillaries with two online case studies per chapter — NEW!
New art program (all illustrations redrawn) and an open but space-efficient revised design — NEW! Increased frequency of popular features (guideline charts, health promotion charts, and related issues charts) — NEW! Watch & Learn video clips and Practice & Learn interactive exercises that highlight important nursing skills and responsibilities — NEW! Expanded suite, including the main text, handbook, handbook of lab and diagnostic tests, medical-surgical interactive cases, and medical-surgical nursing online course –Concepts in Action Animations for A&P and Pathophysiology concepts –Integrated critical care coverage throughout the book –More than 6,000 total NCLEX-style review questions –Nursing alerts, risk factor charts, health promotion charts, critical thinking exercises and many more!
–Clearly highlighted nursing process content throughout the text –Strong emphasis on evidence-based practice including end-of-chapter questions read below for links. Ln-t4069f Firmware Update.
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