Autodesk Inventor Project S
It is good to hear Arun that you are learning Autodesk Inventor by books yourself. I also learned the software myself. You can visit my here you will find screen videos showing full part/assembly modeling process. You can watch the video and re-create the 3D Parametric Models yourself. There are videos on Dynamic Simulation and Drive Constrains, Inventor Studio etc. Regards Nivesh Srivastava Autodesk Inventor 2012 Certified Professional License 00232728 September 2012 Autodesk Inventor 2012 Certified Associate License 00232727 June 2012.
Hi everyone, I need some help here!!! Unity3d Gameobject Find Inactive. I am fairly new to AUTO INVENTOR, absolutely love it and i am very driven and motivated to learn more and become better at it in every aspect, so i have been looking for some sort of (BLUEPRINTS) for previous project that have been designed and created so i can recreate them my self to learn, but all i find is pictures and blueprints with out the 'DIMENSIONS' which is what i need to recreate them, if anyone knows any books or sites i can find what i am looking for then please get back to me i would greatly appreciate it.
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